
kuala lipis

long time ago, tis house belong to Dato Najib's father ,
tis house is located at Kuala Lipis , Bukit Bius ................
tis house is very beautiful , i had go here several time with my friend (saifudin & nasir) by bike went my age is 14 years old, specially Friday.


kawan oh kwan

kwan juga ade yg penting kn dri saje......mereka hnye nk pe yg korng ade ,
tak de kat diorng ,
tapi de juga yg baek , cam ilmu tau laen2

kalau nk dikalaukn kehidupan berkwn nie cam , bintang yg dihujungnye ade kwn ,........x caya , contoh :
kalau korng penah gaduh ngn kwn2 korng , korng mesti ade rase serba salah (kalau korng yg buat salah) , rindu (bagi lelaki kat pompuan ) dan laen2

bintng nie x kn bercahaya kalau x digadung kn dngn smpurna..........hu3

selain tuu.....
kwn ade bnyk jenis ,

periang , hyper riang , kuat bising ,
............kuat ejek, pembuli , kuat arah2, bajek bagus , sombong , belagak kaya dan laen2........
nie merupakn satu proses yg sngt menarik iaitu (pengelamanan),..........................
kalau kiter cube fikir scra dalam dn intro .......diorng bnyk mmbri
pengalaman ,kengn manis /pahit/tunjk ajar, mengikut kajian! ....kalau dah bsr hnya 60% kehidupan diorg berubah....................................lagi 40% sifat diorng akan ade ,

kwngkwan ,merupakan 1 benda yg kite mesti ade ....
mane yg x de kwn , hidup diorng mesti "kosong".......
tapi kat dunia nie mesti setiap orng ade kengkawan
biar besar , kecil , gmpal , kerus , pendek dan lain2....
merupkan kawan


This event will happend at night during Happy New Year ,Hari Raya,and Deepavaly ....if you are malaysian , you will get experient and sweet memories about this firewood ....
there are many type of colour and shape occur went you see it in the sky.......


merdeka kah kite !!@@???


Tnggal 31 ,pada bulan ogos ........

iaitu hari yg penting dan bersejarah ........

di mana semua orng akan berhimpun di stadium merdeka ......

tidak mengira bangsa dan agama .....

hitam dan putih juga bukan ukuran di mata....

mereka berhmpun atas nama keamanan dan kebebasan......


merentis kesukaran

Adakan pasukan Malaysia mampu menjadi seperti pasukan hebat yang lain ????
seperti :

antara faktor2 yg jadi msalah pasukan malaysia tidak mmpu menjadi gmilang seperti pasukandi atas ialah :
masalah dalaman
dan msalah luaran

"setiap masalah pasti de jalan keluar"
ahli falsafah barat

jika kite semua mengambil iktibar dengn ayat nie pasti jalan keluar masalah ni akan berakhir
memng tidak akui untuk menjadi sebuah pasukan yg bagus dlm masa singkat amat susah dan agak mustahil
tetapi citer2 nie mungkin jadi realiti jika semua pihak memikirkan masalah dn punca2 nye
di mana silap nye ......

jika kite rujuk akan masa dahulu iaitu zaman malaysia mmpu menewaskan china , jepun dan lain2 yg merupakan sebuah pasukan sebuah hebat pada masa kini terdapat bnyk perbezaan yg dapt dilihat
selain itu , pasukan malaysia juga telah menimbulakn mesteri ,
kalau dibndingkn dngn pasukan jiran kite , iaitu thailand dan indonesia dari sudut ekonomi dan sebagainye
malaysia lebih bagus berbanding dan lebih maju berbanding negara2 nie....
persoalanye mengapa pasukan negara kite masih mengalami
renung2kn lah



The main thing about Huskar is that his DPS (Damage Per Second) gets higher the less HP he has. However if you have low HP, your putting your life on the line and might get focused fired on and die, BUT this does not hold Huskar back.This strategy guide will tell you how exactly to build a Huskar that can stay at low HP and gain the bonus damage + IAS (Increased Attack Speed) while still staying alive enough to own your opponents.


Range: 350, Move Speed: 300
Primary: STR
Str: 18 + 2.4; Agi: 20 + 2.4; Int: 18 + 1.5
Damage: 39 - 48 , HP: 492 , Mana: 234


Inner Vitality (V)
Magically unlocks the potential regenerative power within a target unit, healing its life force based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% health, it will regenerate faster. Heals 10(30)% of main attrib + 4hp regen per sec. Lasts 16 seconds.
Level 1 - 5 (15%) of main attrib + 2 hp regen per sec
Level 2 - 10 (30%) of main attrib + 4 hp regen per sec
Level 3 - 15 (45%) of main attrib + 6 hp regen per sec
Level 4 - 20 (60%) of main attrib + 8 hp regen per sec
Cost: 50/90/130/170
Cooldown: 30
Comment: One of the fastest healing abilities in the game, this is the KEY to this Huskar build and is very necessary. You can cast this on yourself when your being focused fired on to maintain your HP at half, giving you the DPS advantage over your opponents, and on top of all that you can use it on your opponents to save them from ganks too.

Burning Spear (R)
Using his own life force to set them aflame, the Sacred Warrior can cause his spears to deal stackable damage over time as they impact the foe. Cannot cast if Huskar's HP is lower than 100. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 1 - 6 dps
Level 2 - 8 dps
Level 3 - 10 dps
Level 4 - 12 dps
Mana Cost: 15 (health cost)
Cooldown: 0
Comment: For this particular build, this ability will be useless. For any other Huskar builds, this ability would be a good harassing tool early game. But once early game is over, your going to need much better orb effects than this. Max this ability out LAST, as a matter of fact, don't even use it.

Berserker`s Blood (B)
Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. 7 max bonuses. First bonus starts at full health.
Level 1 - 2% IAS and 2 damage.
Level 2 - 4 % IAS and 4 damage.
Level 3 - 6 % IAS and 6 damage.
Level 4 - 8 % IAS and 8 damage.
Mana Cost:
Comment: Once again, this passive ability is what makes Huskar. The 2/4/6/8 + bonus damage is very helpful early/mid game,and the IAS is needed all the way through out the game. I will explain how to use this passive ability to its max potential through out this guide.

Life Break (F)
reaches into the well of his own life force to potentially destroy an enemy. Huskar's target takes damage equal to 40% of his HP. Slows target by 50% for 5 seconds. Huskar pays a certain percentage of his HP to cast this.
Level 1 - Huskar pays 40% of his current HP to cast.
Level 2 - Huskar pays 33% of his current HP to cast.
Level 3 - Huskar pays 25% of his current HP to cast.
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: 45
Comment: Huskar's ultimate ability, sacrifice a percentage of your life to slow and damage your target. This works incredibly well with your passive ability, when you life break a target and sacrifice your own HP, you gain that bonus DPS damage from berserker's blood, not to mention your target is slowed, giving you the opportunity to take him out with your increased DPS.

Skill Build

1. Inner Vitality
2. Berserker`s Blood
3. Berserker`s Blood
4. Inner Vitality
5. Berserker`s Blood
6. Life Break
7. Berserker`s Blood
8. Inner Vitality
9. Inner Vitality
10. Stats
11. Stats
12. Life Break
13. Stats
14. Stats
15. Stats
16. Life Break
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Burning Spear
23. Burning Spear
24. Burning Spear
25. Burning Spear

Item Build

1. Power Treads (1850)
+65 Run Speed
+35% Attack Speed
+10 Selected Attribute
Boots of Speed + Gloves of Haste + Boots of Elvenskin or Robe of the Magi or Belt of Giant Strength + Power Treads Recipe Scroll

2. Helm of the Dominator (1850)
15% Life Leech
+10 Damage
+5 Armor
Activate: Dominate Creep for 20 minutes
700 Range 300 Second Cooldown
200 Mana Cost
Orb effect does not stack
Helm of Iron Will + Mask of Death

3. Armlet of Mordiggian (2850)
+9 damage
+15% aspd
+5 armor
+3 hp regen
Unholy Strength (active)
Helm of Iron Will + Gloves of Haste + Blades of Attack + Armlet of Mordiggian

4. Satanic (6150)
25% Life Steal
+25 Strength
+5 Armor
Activate: Unholy Rage
50 sec cooldown, no mana cost, gives 30 bonus damage and additional 15% life steal for 20 secs
Helm of the Dominator + Messerschmidts Reaver + Satanic Recipe Scroll

5. Eye of Skadi (7050)
+200 Hit Points, +150 Mana
+25 to All Attributes
Passive: Frost Attack
-20% Attack Speed
-30% Run Speed
2 Second Duration for ranged heroes, 3 seconds for melee heroes
Melee Eye of Skadi is an orb effect, and does not stack with orb effects; Ranged Eye of Skadi is NOT an orb effect, and stacks with some orb effects.
Ultimate Orb + Ultimate Orb + Point Booster + Eye of Skadi Recipe Scroll

6. Assault Cuirass (6120)
+10 Armor
+5 Armor Aura
-5 Armor Aura
+40% Attack Speed
+15% Attack Speed Aura
Plate Mail + Hyperstone + Chainmail + Assault Cuirass

7. Heart of Tarrasque (5500)
+300 Hit Points
+11 HP/Sec Regeneration
35 Strength
Messerschmidts Reaver + Vitality Booster + Heart of Tarrasque Recipe Scroll

Early Game

Early game your main goal is to stay in your lane as long as possible without having to go back to the fountain to heal. There is no major preference as to which lane you pick to go to. Huskar is a good hero solo and he also does well with heroes with him. If you DO choose to solo a lane and are up against 2 ranged heroes that are really good early harassers (ex. Crystal Maiden and Enchantress), ask for a allied RANGED hero to help you with your lane. In all other cases Huskar does fairly well.

EARLY GAME TRICKS AND TECHNIQUES: In this sub-section I will list a couple techniques that will show you how to keep yourself ahead of your opponents early game. (These techniques can be used for every characters in Dota, not just Huskar)

Creep Killing: When in your lane you will notice that you get bonus gold of 40-50 when you get the last hit on the creep. Try to do this to as many creeps as possible as it will help you get your items faster. But don't get greedy for creep kills, or else your opponent might focus fire you.

Denying Creeps: You can deny the experience your opponent gets by killing your own creeps when its at red HP, it takes some practice but it will help you in the long run and will help you gain lvls faster than your opponent. Once again, don't get greedy to deny or you might get focus fired on.

Harassing: Try to harass your opponent by hitting him and backing up, this will keep your opponents HP relatively low. Do this every time you see your opponent giving you an opening. BUT do not get greedy. Many people tend to get greedy and decide to chase heroes that are ~2-3 hits away from dying, chase heroes ONLY if you have faster movement speed than them. If you have less or equal movement speed they will run all the way back to their towers that will get you killed.

SUMMARY & CONCLUSION FOR EARLY GAME: Harass when possible, apply the techniques above, try not to go back to the fountain and last of all DON'T DIE. Don't be afraid to have your chicken bring you some extra tangos and clarity potions if need be. If your managing your lane well, you should have your chicken bringing you your items as the gold rolls in. At the end of early game (lets suppose early game ends at lvl 10) you should AT LEAST have the following items, in this exact order: Mask Of Deah and Power Treads

Mid Game

Middle game is where the action starts. In this section I'll show you how to use Huskar to his full potential. I am going to be going through some techniques that show you how exactly Huskar should be used. I will bring up common situations that occur a lot in DotA and will show you how to deal with these situations, using screen shots.

Using Inner Vitality- Remember this healing ability heals incredibly fast, and costs a good amount of mana , try not to use it if for every little thing. If your ally is at orangish/greenish health, and he has tangos but he still asks you for a heal, tell him to use his tangos, or piss off. Because Inner Vitality is best when used when you are INSIDE battle or being ganked and need HP regen, FAST.

Using Inner Vitality With Berserker's Blood: This is my favorite technique with Huskar. You can fool your enemies into thinking they can take you out just because you have some-what low HP, and then cast Inner Vitality on yourself to tolerate the incoming damage, and gain that extra DPS bonus from Bersker's Blood to take them out instead.

Farming: If things arn't going your way and you are not owning as much as you should be and getting ganked and losing your gold, I highly suggest you go to an empty lane and farm. If there are no empty lanes available, then I recommend farming neutral creeps until there is an open lane. But stay away from your opponents at all costs, because chances are if you've been getting ganked and dying you are behind in level and gold, so you can not afford to lose any more gold and experience.

Late Game

Late game is where its not about you, its about your teams teamwork. If you have been dying a lot and are very behind in level, than this is your last chance to farm and catch up. In late game its all about pushing lanes. You're Huskar can be the most feared hero in the game at this point but if you're team decides they don't wanna cooperate with each other than there is no hope. At this point you can all decide to push one lane (preferably middle if you have not done so already) and you can push straight through and kill their Tree of Life.

However, if the game is a close one and all the heroes in the game are fairly even with each other and the game rages on in an epic battle of ... oh, i dont know... the defense of the ancients? Well then it's a game of strategy. Your goal here is to seal the deal by killing all of their unit-producing buildings and obtaining mega creeps. You can do this by distracting their heroes while you and your allies push a lane all the way through.


In conclusion, Huskar basically involves a lot of strategy and killer instinct. Know when you can win, know when you have to run. When engaging battle at full HP the first thing you should do is activate AoM and use your ult to bring your HP a tad bit lower, if your taking a lot of damage cast Inner Vitality on yourself, and its all uphill from there with berserker blood giving you you're bonus DPS. As you can now see, to win with Huskar you just gotta be emo :P

If you donot agree or have better strategy, Plea
se post here.


duit raya ......
target tahun nir dapat banyak duit raya (dalam RM100.00)
mungkin target nie tak kesampaian
umur dah tua ......(kate orang )
16 tahun ......
tapi badan dah besar .......
mcm umur 18 tahun ,,,
ade gak yang cakap yang aq nie dah khawin .......
belum lagi ......
belajar dlu ....
cite2 first ......
then .....
bru lah benda lain .......